
Characteristics of the Unborn Child

8 – 10 Weeks Post-LMP
6 – 8 Weeks Post-Conception

Brainwaves have been measured and recorded before 8 ½ weeks. By 8 ½ weeks, the bones of the jaw and collarbone begin to harden.

By 9 weeks, the hands move, the neck turns, and hiccups begin. Genitals begin to develop.
The heart is nearly fully formed and the heart rate peaks at about 170 beats per minute.

By 10 weeks kidneys begin to produce and release urine, and intermittent breathing motions begin.
All fingers and toes are free and fully formed and several hundred muscles are present. The hands and feet move frequently and show the first signs of right- or left-handedness.
Experts estimate the 10-week embryo possesses approximately 90% of the 4,500 body parts found in adults.

The 10-week embryo weighs about 1/10th of an ounce and measures slightly less than 1 ¼ inches.

10 – 12 Weeks Post-LMP
8 – 10 Weeks Post-Conception

The eyelids are temporarily fused together by 10 ½ weeks.

By 11 weeks the head moves forward and back, the jaw actively opens and closes, and the fetus periodically sighs and stretches. The face, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet may be sensitive to touch. Thumb sucking and swallowing amniotic fluid begin. Genitals continue to develop. 
Yawning begins at 11½ weeks. 

At 12 weeks, fingerprints start forming, fingernails and toenails begin to grow.
The bones are hardening in many locations.

The 12-week fetus weighs less than 1 ounce and measures about 3 inches from head to heel.

12 – 14 Weeks Post-LMP
10 – 12 Weeks Post-Conception

The heartbeat can be detected with a hand-held Doppler fetal monitor or external heart rate monitor.

By 13 weeks the lips and nose are formed and the fetus can make facial expressions.
External genitalia now distinguish male from female.

At 14 weeks, taste may be buds present.
Hormone production may be present.  Limbs continue to develop. 

At 14 weeks, the fetus weighs about 2 ounces and measures slightly less than 5 inches.


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